Sunday, January 25, 2009

Two Sacred Songs

Here are two pieces which I have written. One was done over a year ago, the other is more recent. While I am not brilliantly happy with them, i thought i'd put them out for people to see. I'm working out how to place music files on here, as blogger stupidly lets you upload video and picture files, but not music. I can only presume that this is for anti-piracy, and not some deformed sort of logic.
If you can read music, please comment and tell me what you think, and if you would like a recording (i do own the copyright after all) let me know and i'll try and send you one by some other channel.
So... please enjoy, these were basically an attempt/excercise at setting text to music, and i hope i've done it in a way that makes it sound half decent.
God Be in My Head

A New Song

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